Klanglicht Graz, Joanneum, Graz
The title of the work: UNGEHEUER refers to the theme of this year's Klanglicht Festival: Dreams.
The works itself is inspired by Goya's drawing : The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, out of the series of aquatintas: Los Caprichos.
A special soundtrack for the video and the yard of Joanneum was produced by sound artist Joseph Gründler.
Klanglicht Graz is a Light Art Festival with a special focus on sound.
Curated by Birgit Lill
Produced by Bühnen Graz, director Bernhard Rinner
Sound design: Joseph Gründler
location: Joanneum, group of museums in the center of Graz.
The museum is accessed via architectural funnels in the floor of the courtyard, an architectural feature that both guides visitors into the museum and allows daylight into the basement area of the museum.
The sound for the work came in part from these funnels, they functioned in a figurative sense as oversized loudspeakers that enabled a wide variety of listening experiences depending on the position within the courtyard of the museum complex. Video and sound were synchronized via radio.
“A Spanish work of art inspired Detlef Hartung and Georg Trenz to create their installation „Ungeheuer“. They posed the question: Is it the presence or absence of our reason that create monsters? The artists used light and typography to play with the architecture of the Joanne quarter in Graz and opened imaginary windows through which the audience could look. The associative mental space that the two artists created in this way allowed us to reflect on the ambiguity of statements. Equally contrasting where the sound islands with which sound and media artist Seppo Gründler accompanied the project.”
by friendly courtesy Birgit Lill