in occasion of LICHTSTRÖME 2012, nightprogram of Bundesgartenschau,
Kaiser Wilhelm I Monument, Deutsches Eck,

LEBENSZEICHEN (Sign of Life) was developed for the light festival LICHTSTRÖME 2012, the official program of the Bundesgartenschau Festival.
The festival was curated by Bettina Pelz and Tom Groll.
“Nature has provided artists with inspiration since the beginning of time. Until present days mimicry, reinventing and transfer of natural principles are essential resources for innovation, not only in the arts but as well in the design disciplines, in engineering and the sciences. The understanding of components, structures and processes of nature yields an unfailing amount of imagery and materials which at the same time mirrors the underlying order of our world. The LICHTSTROEME 2012 display artists and designers focussing on the interplay of nature and art.” (www.lichtstroeme.de)

The timelessness and static of the monument of Kaiser Wilhelm I, on the German Corner in Koblenz is confronted with the dynamic and changing skill of life. The statue of Emperor Wilhelm I is overwritten with animated lyrics that seem to be moved from natural phenomena such as wind and water or even develop a life of its own. Words and textures that grow, reproduce, behave like insects or flocks of birds. A cycle of textures and words illuminates the theme way of life in its various connotations and opens a pictorial typographic excursion upon life. Text remains not only as a memory storage, but carries through change, mutation and even by its disappearance to a new and lively process of awareness.

Technology: 4 channel video installation, 5 PCs, synchronization and adjusting with watchout, Dataton.
Technology and support by Michael Lang Medientechnik.